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Hire remotely

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Post an offer the remote and talent team will verify it and you will have a distinctive badge and your offer will be recharged as new every 24 hours for 30 days and you will receive all the candidates who sign up for it.
Post an offer the remote and talent team will verify it and you will have a distinctive badge, your offer will be reloaded as new every 24 hours for 30 days, you will receive all the candidates who sign up for it and the remote team will filter it phone call of all candidates who enter the first month.
Let's start
Company name* Your company's brand/trade name: without Inc., Ltd., B.V., Pte., etc.
Position* Please specify as single job position like "Marketing Manager" or "Node JS Developer", not a sentence like "Looking for PM / Biz Dev / Manager". We know your job is important but please DO NOT WRITE IN FULL CAPS. If posting multiple roles, please create multiple job posts. A job post is limited to a single job. We only allow real jobs, absolutely no MLM-type courses "learn how to work online" please.
Area* This primary tag shows first and increases visibility in the main sections. Your job is shown on every page that is tagged with though. E.g. if you tag it as PHP, it shows for Remote PHP Jobs etc.
Tags, keywords or stack* Short tags are preferred. Use tags like industry and tech stack. The first 3 or 4 tags are shown on the site, the other tags aren't but the job will be shown on each tag specific page (like /remote-react-jobs). We also sometimes generate tags automatically after you post/edit to supplement.
JOB IS RESTRICTED TO LOCATIONS? If you'd only like to hire people from a specific location or timezone this remote job is restricted to (e.g. Europe, United States or Japan). If not restricted, please leave it as "Worldwide". The less restricted this is, the more applicants you will get. Keeping it "Worldwide" is highly recommended as you'll have access to a worldwide pool of talent. To promote fairness in remote work positions, worldwide jobs are ranked higher.
Company logo (.JPG or .PNG, square or round, recommended 512x512)

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Annual Salary or Compensation in USD (Gross, Annualized, Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) in USD equivalent)*
Job description*
Benefits New
Health insurance
Dental insurance
Vision insurance
Retirement plan (401(k), pension, etc.)
Paid time off (vacation, sick leave, personal days)
Life insurance
Short-term disability insurance
Long-term disability insurance
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Flexible spending account (FSA)
Professional development and training
Wellness programs
Child care benefits
Commuting benefits (transportation, parking)
Employee discounts
Paid holidays
Stock options or stock purchase plan
Employee referral bonus program
Employee recognition programs
Relocation assistance
Casual dress code
Fitness/gym membership reimbursement
Tuition reimbursement
Legal assistance
Pet-friendly workplace
On-site amenities (cafeteria, massage, etc.)
Employee resource groups
Volunteer opportunities
Work-life balance programs
Bereavement leave
Jury duty leave
Military leave
Maternity/paternity leave
Parental leave
Adoption assistance
Employee transportation options (shuttle, bike storage, etc.)
Employee housing options
Language classes
Domestic partner benefits
Diversity and inclusion programs
Employee community involvement programs
Professional association memberships
Employee counseling services
Employee appreciation events
Personal financial planning services
Career development programs
Management and leadership training programs
On-site health clinics
Sick leave bank
Virtual doctor consultations
Apply url*
Company Twitter Twitter username without @. Not required, but used to tag your company when we tweet out your job post.
Company email* (stays private, for invoice + edit link) Make sure this email is accessible by you! We use this to send the invoice and edit link. We can not and do not manually resend it! If you use your company domain (same as company name), we will show a [ Verified ] tag on your job post.
Invoice email (stays private) We send a copy of the invoice and edit link to here too. You can write your finance department or accountant expenses email here so they get a copy of the invoice for your bookkeeping.
Invoice address* Specify your company address here and we'll put it on your invoice for your bookkeeping. Be sure to [ Save changes ] in bottom right after editing your invoice address. Then it'll be instantly updated on the invoice.
Feedback about Remote and Talent
Feedback about Remote and Talent This isn't part of the job post. If you have any feature requests or general feedback about posting a job Remote and Talent, leave it here.


Here's a preview of how your job post will look like
Don't worry if it's not perfect the first time: your job is fully editable for free after posting it!

Company name
Company name